Multiple Measures and Placement FAQ’s


Can I meet my proficiency requirement with my High School GPA?

Yes, if your overall GPA is a 2.7 or higher and you graduated high school after 2014.

Can I use my SAT scores for placement?

Yes!  If you took your SATs before 2016 with the following scores:

Math – 510

SAT Reading – 500

SAT Writing – 500

If you took your SATs after 2016 with the following scores:

MAT – 540

Evidenced Based Reading and Writing – 550

Can I use a transcript from another College to meet my proficiency requirement?

If you have a college level Writing or Math course with a grade of C or better you may already meet your proficiency requirement.  Please check with an advisor to review your transcript.

I don’t have a GPA, SATs or College Transcript.  What are my options?

You can take the college Accuplacer Assessment for Reading/Writing and Math.  These assessments will determine if you meet the college’ proficiency requirement or identify ϳԹ courses that you can take to works towards proficiency. 

Information for testing center hours

If I meet my proficiencies would I have to take any additional placement testing?

If you are in a STEM program you will need to place higher than math proficiency in order to take the courses in your program.

Are there other ways I can meet proficiency?

Yes!  Please view all the ways you can meet proficiency at the links below.

Communications Proficiency

Mathematics Proficiency

Image of campus

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