EOC logotype


The EOC offers free one-on-one advising and guides you through the process of applying to and paying for college. 

 The North Shore Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) is one of seven 's regional opportunity centers. 


Three photos collage of EOC staff at a table during an event, student in a I'm The First frame, and EOC staff in front of large monitor

At the EOC we can help you:

  • Understand the college application process and fill out an application
  • Understand the financial aid process and complete the FAFSA
  • Decide what to study and choose an academic program that matches your career interests
  • Transfer to another college, and much more!

Two EOC staff at event table


EOC services are provided in both English and Spanish.  We also offer interpretation services in almost all languages.

EOC centers are located in:

  • Greater Springfield Area
  • Greater Boston
  • Central Massachusetts
  • South Coastal and Cape Cod
  • Pittsfield
  • Berkshire Area

The (EOC) is a TRIO program funded by the United States Department of Education, administered by Massachusetts Education & Career Opportunities, Inc. and sponsored by North Shore Community College. Eligible participants are low income and first-generation prospective and returning students.


Image of campus

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